Sons of Heaven

An NFT project based on the Radix Network.


Reserve Now & Mint At Launch

You'll receive the number of emperor's call tokens (250 XRD each) as per your reserveration. Once smart contracts are available on the Radix Network, you can use these tokens to mint your actual NFTs.

Reserve now
Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block

Participate in this project by reserving one or more Son of Heaven (250 XRD each). To do so, please send XRD to the project wallet below.

receive Emperor's call
Triangle Decoration in Donate Block

Because smart contract are not in place on the Radix Network yet, you'll receive Emperor's Call Tokens as per your purchase.

Mint NFT
Rectangle Decoration in Buy Gift Cards Block

Use the Emperor's Call Tokens (EMP) to mint your Sons of Heaven and find out what role you are playing in the army of the Emperor.

Project Wallet:


Each of the 5,020 Sons of Heaven follows the Emperor's Call in one of these ranks: Infantry, Cavalry, Officer, the Royal Assassin or the Imperial Family itself.


[✓] Website launch
[✓] Release of NFT Preview
[✓] Start of presale
Introduction of storyline
Reveal of full NFT database
Contract development

More details to be announced.


